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The myth of preserving the union as the only way to defend the homeland against foreign invaders.


If Montana were to exercise her right of self determination and separate from the oppressive force of the federal government that has strangled her it does not mean that she will be defenseless against foreign invaders. The States National Guard belongs to the State. If Montana were to secede from the rest of the union Montana's National Guard and all it’s equipment would stay inside the state for purely defensive purposes of Montana's respective territory. Not only that. Montana's ability to defend her borders would likely improve. Montana would be able to fortify her own borders and defend her borders more adequately now that her states military will not be sent overseas to do the bidding of DC. No longer would sons, daughters and fathers as well as the States military equipment be sent off thousands of miles away over seas to fight battles that in no way should concern Montana.
The talks of Secession from the union is not isolated to only Montana. It is wide spread. Other States where Secession is openly considered by their citizens include: Texas, Florida and most of the southern States. Idaho, Wyoming, portions of Eastern Oregon. Northern California, New Hampshire and others. Also to be noted New Hampshire has just introduced a bill to Secede from the union in their State House.
Likely if one State were to Secede it would cause a chain reaction and more would Secede as a result. The newly Seceded States that threw off the chains of DC would enter into voluntary partnership agreements for commerce and common defense against foreign invaders etc. The newly formed voluntary partnership between the States would be comparable to how the States operated with each other under the Articles Of Confederation which recognized the Sovereignty and Independence of each State.
With each State responsible for the sole protection of it’s territory it would be in a better position to strategically plan for its defense. The Men in the States defensive force and Militia would likely be familiar with the States terrain as it’s where they live and grew up in and in turn will have a strategic natural advantage of planning the States defensive against foreign invasion.
If one of the newly Seceded States were to be invaded they would likely see one or a multitude of their neighboring States that also accomplished Secession come to their defense. Neighbors help neighbors.
With that being said the likelihood of a foreign invasion by a country that is separated from us by 2000 miles is unlikely and would put the invader in a terrible strategic disadvantage as they would have to ship all their men, food, Oil, tanks, and supplies overseas with a continual replenishment. The States defensive forces would be denned in like a hornets nest. Not to mention every abled bodied citizen would be armed. As the armed Citizenry is the Militia. The invaders would expend all of their resources in the failed attempt to expand their empire upon foreign lands and they would likely recede back over seas in attempt to save their own dying country.
Speaking of dying countries. Enlighten of the Federal governments obvious disastrous foreign policies which includes the disastrous wars in Vietnam, Korea, Iraq 1, Iraq 2, and Afghanistan which all have involved the plunder of our resources, the lost lives of Americans, the loss of our Natural rights and the enrichment of elites and politicians. How adequate of a service is the federal Government providing protection for defense of our land? Is bombing Syria protecting Montana? Is overthrowing a foreign countries sitting President protecting Montana? Is having two hundred military bases all over the world in foreign Countries really protecting Montana?
I will say this. The belief that Montana needs to maintain her abusive relationship with the federal government that plunders her, steals from her citizens, sends her boys off to die in foreign wars, and controls the majority of her lands because she needs protection by the abuser from other abusers is unfounded and ridiculous. If we are ever to have peace amongst the continent that the States of America resides upon we must accept our differences and separate. If we however accept the false doctrine that the states should remain subject under one centralized federal government because we put our “safety ahead of our freedom” then I’m afraid that the unrest, violence and degradation of our living standards will continue.

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