The federal government’s take over of communities .
Through out the course of the past few decades there has been a never ending bombardment of social indoctrination and emphasis on young minds to get them to go to college. The social engineers as well as the government employees employed at the government school systems have placed a college diploma on the pedestal while simultaneously eluding that being a tradesmen or someone that works with their hands is merely a poor Neanderthal and their body will be broken down from their work as a result. With this narrative bestowed upon the generations it has created opportunity for the colleges to grow in size. Increase their income and spend more lavishly. The communistic egalitarian principles that naturally have arose out of the Democratic minded education system have no surprise created a sense of crusade for college education for all. The crusade insinuates that every man and women is entitled to a college education and therefore the public of haves should be forced to pay for the education of the have nots. This crusade ultimately has lowered the standards colleges have to enter into them. Created an artificially high amount of graduates leading to a devaluation of college degrees on the market and distorted the whole of the economy by misallocation of human capital. The federal governments subsidization of college loans is the primary mechanism that the egalitarian crusaders have used to have their way.
The crusade has allowed the federal government to indirectly pay for the cultural take over of small towns and cities with colleges in them. The way that they do this is by increasing the amount of attendees at the colleges. The increase eventually reaches capacity which makes the university expand in size. The increase in capacity gets filled again and the university continues to grow. It becomes an industrial complex. It’s main lifeblood that supports it’s bloated size and expansion is the federal student loan subsidies. The college administration becomes biased towards the federal government as a result of the capital support. It’s professors hired and picked out by the colleges administration also develops a bias.. beneficiaries of the constant stream of attendees $ in the name of egalitarianism. Naturally the egalitarian neo liberal teachings will influence the college attendees to think in the same way. All the college attendees have to live on or near the campus in the community. As human nature assures the college attendees will mingle and get involved in community politics and issues on their free time not in college classes. As the college population continues to grown the elasticity of that mindset and culture increases in size in that area while the existing culture of that community dies out.
That is precisely how the federal government is taking over small towns and cities. It changes the culture of towns by way of college subsidization which ultimately and inevitably changes the politics that flow downstream of the culture change. It’s time to gut the college industrial complex.