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How you must use mass media and advertising to take back your communities and mount a resistance aga


First you must organize with local like minded individuals. Teach them that influencing the culture and mindset should be the most import fundamental basis to start from. Teach them that government policy and politics flows downstream of culture. The best way to influence culture is through advertisement and media. As we all know mass media is what structures society around it. To be quite frank it is one of the culprits that can be blamed for our decay and loss of freedoms. We must grasp hold of media and mass advertisement and use it to our advantage. Advertisement can and must be done from multiple angles. Just as a savvy business uses advertisement.. so must we.
Some of the most effective forms of local advertisement are billboards. Bumper stickers. Local Counter news media outlets created by your coalition. Social media interaction and advertising. Pamphlets. And even bold protests scathing the effigies of low life’s like Fauci or local politicians/bureaucrats advocating for the evil regimes policies to be implemented.
The types of messaging should be bold. The messaging should attack the regimes narratives. Some of narratives that need to be attacked as follows: The harmful vaccination of children. The promotion of LGTQ degeneracy. Useless masking. The communist roots of “equality”. The premise for allowing anyone to vote should be attacked. The premise for taxation should be attacked. To name a few. Lastly there needs to be messaging that formulates a culture of hostility and un-welcomeness towards proponents of the regime. It is perfectly acceptable to not welcome people that want you and your children injected, masked, and restricted against your wills as your neighbors. This will help stop the migration of your enemies into your communities and promote the migration of your allies into them instead.
There should of course be Positive advertising for the cause. Such as promoting the traditional family where the Father the Patriarch provides and the Mother the Queen and as the caretaker of the children at home as well as the homemaker. Masculinity should be promoted. Private charity to those in need should be promoted. Supporting local businesses and farms should be promoted. Property rights should be promoted. Homeschooling and independence from government/corporate institutions should be promoted. To name a few. This kind of culture will create a inherently self governed society that will be more resilient and organized to stand up to tyranny as well as resist the fruits with the rotten innards that the socialist and government offers. The Family and community need to become the pillars that uphold society.
To wrap up the conclusion I will say this. The Governments main mechanism that it uses to stay in power and keep it’s boot on it’s subjects heads is not necessarily just through force. It rules primarily by legitimacy as government bureaucrats, politicians and government employees always make up a tiny minority of the general population. Public schools.

Public universities. As well as Hollywood And Corporate media are it’s primary tentacles of control. Therefore, by knowing this and knowing it’s stranglehold on culture. We therefore must use the same tactics against them with a localized focus on our individual towns, communities, counties and State.

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